All the kids around the world deserve a happy childhood. We cannot let wars get in the way of peace. As a wish for peace, the Creative Arts Foundation of Canada is hosting a competition across Canada inviting everybody from the ages of 9 to 17 to propose a way to maintain peace around the world. Children and teenagers are welcome to submit their ideas and drawings to the CAFC, where they will be considered by our judges. The age groups will be separated as follows: 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17 years old. The winners of each age group will receive a scholarship.
This design challenge would uplift the future generation of diplomats and peace activists. With this donation, we can encourage young creators across Canada that use their initiative and resourcefulness to propose and create original works of art that promote peace, understanding, respect and love.
We intend to spread the word of this collaboration in our newsletter, on social media, and with a header logo on our CAFC website. We will also exhibit all the designs we receive at our studio, Paramount Study in Montreal, for an open workshop, exhibition and vernissage.
We ask all for your contribution to this project either by material or financial donations.
We thank you for your support.
More information will be coming shortly.